Hey, Friends! It’s been a little while since we’ve posted here, and we thought it was about time to give you a little info on what’s been happening at SHIP and how you can pray for us.
First off, God has done amazing work in El Salvador, and we’re blessed to be a part of that work. After over a year of not taking groups to El Salvador, we were able to take TWO groups this summer. We worried that we were a little (or a lot) rusty, but things came together. It was different this time because we were masked up, but the focus was the same–working with our Salvadoran friends and sharing God’s love.
For those of you who’ve kept us in your prayers, thank you for praying, and thank you for being a part of this work God is doing in El Salvador. We have needed those prayers. If you want to keep praying for us, Here is what we’re praying (and praising!) about this week:
- Praise God for bringing people to our outreach! Our Monday night outreach was the BIGGEST outreach ever. Our children’s church alone had 60 kids! We had a total of over 230 people. We didn’t buy enough food for everyone because we didn’t expect so many. Somehow we had food left over at the end of the night. The children’s church Bible story for the night? The loaves and fishes. God has a sense of humor, and He seems to get a real kick out of us.
- Praise God for the attendance at our Bible studies. This has been a big answer to prayer. People are coming and engaging. Please pray that those who are seeking God will find Him.
- Pray for our young men’s retreat. We weren’t able to do this last because of (we won’t even say why, because you know). We want to host a retreat this year, and we’re in the planning stages. Please pray that we will be able to have a retreat and that it will be a blessing to the young men who attend.
- Pray for our unsponsored kids. Our kids who have sponsors are being prayed for, but we want to make sure that our unsponsored kids have people praying for them, too. If you’re interested in sponsoring a child, go to the link below:
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